
~Moonlight Masquerade~

We are going to talk about Moonlight Masquerade in todays post.

The first thing I have to say about this is that whoever named this was defintly in the groove when they came up with this title!

The title just paints such a vivid picture in your mind! Combine that title with the beautiful cover and you will be excited to pick up this great regency romance novel!

I am such a fan of regency novels that I was super eager to read this book!

It combines all the great things that make a book great. You have romance, you have mystery, you have excitement until the last page. I think that Ruth Axtell hit this one out of the park!

Lady Celine Wexham exudes quiet grace and elegance. She leads the life of a wealthy widow who moves in the upper crust of society with style. Even though she is now a British citizen she is French by birth and the British Foreign Office has reason to believe that she just may be a spy.

They feel she is in the perfect position to be doing just that and send in Rees Phillips, from their office, to pose as her temporary butler. His assignment is to find out is the beautiful widow is also a beautiful spy for Napoleon.

But what seems like a situation that should be cut and dried seems to become more complicated as Ree's gets to know the enigma that is Lady Celine.

Great book that I recommend especially if you enjoy Regency Romances!

Happy weekend all!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for a review. I am not required to post a positive one. All opinions expressed are my own and they are sincere.